
Writing a novel at nearly eighty years of age

I am reflecting on the release of my first novel, at the tender age of 78 years. It is easy to say that I can bring a more experienced viewpoint when writing; but the actual process takes a deal of st ........

The Journal by Howard H Williams

Publication last Friday and it appears sales are moving. Amazon have run out and are re-stocking and the novel is being offered worldwide. I know some sales have started in the USA and locally there h ........

The Journal-publication update

Since the book's release last Friday, 31st March, sales seem to be moving as hoped. Surprisingly, Amazon has "out of stock, more on the way" and the Kindle edition has began also. I am setting up seve ........

The Journal

Publication date is almost here and the nerves are jangling. Since this is my first novel I have no idea what to expect? The story came to me from God knows where. I was two-thirds through another ........